Abstract | U ovom radu analiziran je ulov obalne potegače migavice u srednjem Jadranu, odnosno u ribolovnoj zoni F. Uzorci su prikupljeni tokom 20 potega mreţama veličine oka u vreći 12 mm i 24 mm. Ukupno je analizirano 5222 primjerka, ukupne mase 109,4 kilograma. U ukupnom ulovu zabiljeţena je 31 vrsta, od čega 28 vrsta riba i 3 vrste glavonoţaca. Po brojčanoj zastupljenosti u ulovu mreţom migavicom veličine oka 12 mm dominantna je gira oblica (Spicara smaris) s 57,1%, a na drugom mjestu je knez (Coris julis) s 14,1% ukupnog ulova. Što se tiče masenog udjela, na prvom mjestu je gira oblica s 37,1%, a na drugom mjestu je bukva (Boops boops) s 17,9% ukupnog ulova. Po brojčanoj zastupljenosti u ulovu migavicom veličine oka 24 mm najbrojnija je bukva s 41,4%, a na drugom mjestu je srdela (Sardina pilchardus) s 20,9%. Što se tiče masenog udjela na prvom mjestu je bukva s 35,6%, a na drugom mjestu je srdela s 18,9% ukupnog ulova. MeĎu najzastupljenijim vrstama, najveći udio spolno nezrelih jedinki u ulovu migavice veličine oka 12 mm zabiljeţen je za giru oblicu, kneza i trlju blataricu, dok je u ulovu migavice veličine oka 24 mm, najveći udio spolno nezrelih jedinki zabiljeţen za bukvu i giru oblicu. |
Abstract (english) | This thesis analysed the catch of beach seine migavica in the middle Adriatic Sea, in the fishing zone F. The samples were collected during 20 tows in total with mesh size in the codend being either 12 mm or 24 mm. A total of 5222 specimens were collected, with total weight of 109.4 kilograms. There were 31 species in the catch, of which 28 species of fish and 3 species of cephalopods. Regarding the number of specimens caught with a mesh size of 12 mm, the most represented species in the catch was picarel (Spicara smaris) with 57.1%, followed by mediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis) with 14.1% of the total catch. Regarding the weight, S.smaris is ranked first with 37.1% and bogue (Boops boops) second with 17.9% of the total catch. Regarding the number of specimens caught with a mesh size of 24 mm, the most represented species in the catch was B.boops with 41.4%, followed by european pilchard (Sardina pilchardus) with 20.9% of the total catch. Regarding the weight, B.boops is ranked first with 35.6%, while S. pilchardus is second with 18.9%. For the most abundant species in the catches of beach seine "migavica", the highest proportion of sexually immature specimens caught with mesh size 12 belonged to S.smaris, C.julis and red mullet (M. Barbatus). For the mesh size 24 the highest proportion of sexually immature specimens in the catch belonged to B.boops and S.smaris. |