Sažetak | U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati istraţivanja bioekoloških karakteristika žbirca Eriphia verrucosa (Forskål, 1775) uz istočnu obalu Jadrana. Za potrebe istraživanja, s obalnog području Kaštelanskog zaljeva u intertidalnoj zoni, prikupljene su 73 jedinke, od čega 35 muţžaka i 38 ženki. Omjer spolova iznosio je 0,92:1 u korist ženki. Ukupno je izmjereno devet morfometrijskih značajki žbirca. Srednja vrijednost dužine karapaksa (CL) u istraživanom uzorku iznosila je 45,6 mm u rasponu od 19,3 do 62,6 mm, a srednja vrijednost mase tijela (W) iznosila je 119,8 g u rasponu od 7,3 do 263,9 g. Među mužjacima i ženkama zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika kod četiri morfometrijske značajke: šrina abdomena (AW), dužina propoda (PL), dužina hele (CD) i dužina daktilusa (DL). Duţinsko-maseni odnos je pokazao negativan alometrijski rast za mužjake i ženke. Analizom želučanog sadržaja utvrđeno je kako žbirac preferira skupine plijena kao što su školjkaši (73,8%), alge (66,7%) i puževi (40,5%), a u manjim količinama rakove (26,1%), bodljikaše (9,5%) i polihete (7,1%). U želucima su također pronađene anorganske tvari. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper presents the results of research on the bioecological characteristics of the warty crab Eriphia verrucos (Forskål, 1775) along the eastern Adriatic coast. For this purposes, 73 individuals, of which 35 males and 38 females, were collected from the coastal area of Kaštela Bay in the intertidal zone. The sex ratio was 0.92:1 in favour of females. A total of nine morphometric characteristics of the warty crab were measured. The mean value of carapace length (CL) in the studied sample was 45.6 mm in the range of 19.3 to 62.6 mm, and the mean value of body weight (W) was 119.8 g in the range of 7.3 to 263.9 g. There was a statistically significant difference between males and females in four morphometric features, namely abdominal width (AW), propod length (PL), chela length (CD) and dactylus length (DL). The length-weight ratio showed negative allometric growth for both males and females. Analysis of the stomach content showed that warty crab prefers groups of prey such as shellfish (73.8%), algae (66.7%) and sea snails (40.5%), and in smaller quantities crabs (26.2%), sea urchins 9.5%) and polychaetes (7.1%). Inorganic substances were also found in the stomachs. |