Sažetak | U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja otolita 123 jedinki vrste Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758) s područja istočnog Jadranskog mora. Analizirano je 115 adultnih jedinki s dužinskim rasponom 14,2 - 18,5 cm (16,3 ± 0,93) i 8 juvenilnih jedinki s dužinskim rasponom 2,7 - 4,1 cm (3,54 ± 0,47). Dužinsko-maseni odnos adulta opisan je jednadžbom: masa = 0,01679*dužina3,01673. Sve veze između morfometrijskih parametara otolita (dužina, širina, masa) i tijela jedinke (dužina, masa) u ovom radu opisane su linearnim modelima. Dužina otolita se, u usporedbi s masom i širinom, pokazala kao najbolji prediktor ukupne dužine i mase tijela špara kod odraslih i kod nedoraslih jedinki špara. Gledano po spolovima, situacija je gotovo identična s iznimkom kod mužjaka, gdje se širina otolita pokazala kao bolji prediktor mase tijela špara. Nadalje, analizirani su oblik i obris otolita, kod odraslih i juvenilnih jedinki, za lakšu identifikaciju vrste. Oblik otolita odraslih jedinki špara je peterokutni do ovalni, a obris je nepravilan. Otoliti nedoraslih jedinki su prilično spljošteni, njihov oblik je jako sličan otolitima riba odraslog stadija, dok je obris puno glatkiji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This thesis presents the results of a research on the otoliths of annular seabream Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758) inhabiting eastern Adriatic Sea. A total of 115 adults with a length range of 14.2 - 18.5 cm (16.3 ± 0.93) and 8 juveniles with a length range of 2.7 - 4.1 cm (3.54 ± 0.47) were analyzed. The length-weight relationship of the adults is described as: weight = 0,01679*length3,01673. All relationships between the morphometric parameters of the otoliths and the morphometric parameters of the body of annular seabream were described using a simple linear model. In comparison to otolith mass and width, the otolith length proved to be the best predictor of the total length and total weight of the annular seabream, in adults and juveniles. When divided by sex, the situation was almost identical except for males, where otolith width has been shown to be a better predictor of the total weight. Furthermore, the shape and outline of otoliths, in adults and juveniles, were analyzed for easier identification of the D. annularis species. The shape of the otolith of an adult annular seabream is pentagonal to oval, and the outline is irregular. The otoliths of juveniles are quite flattened, their shape is very similar to the otoliths of the adults, while the outline is much smoother. |